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Amun-Re na 2 graczy

: 04 cze 2007, 21:49
autor: blazej
Chciałem być sprytny i zagrać w Amun-Re na 2 graczy bez modyfikacji zasad, ale chyba nie bardzo się da :? Wiem, że gra jest od 3, ale osadnicy też są od trzech, a na dwóch śmiało można pograć.
Próbował ktoś na dwóch? Ewentualnie jaki zmiany trzeba wprowadzić?

Re: Amun-Re na 2 graczy

: 05 cze 2007, 10:05
autor: hobb3
Kiedyś przypadkowo natknąłem się na stronę po francusku zawierającą warianty gry dla 2, 3 i 4 graczy. Przepuściłem to przez automatycznego tłumacza i wyszedł tekst angielski, który przy odrobinie wysiłku da się rozszyfrować. Nie mam aktualnie czasu, by przygotować dla ciebie ładniejszy układ lub spolszczenie, tak więc wrzucam, to co mam:

Alternative for 2 players: - Each player has 2 dynasties under his control and one plays the 6 turns as explained in the rule (calculations with 3rd and 6th turn). - the points of each dynasty will be counted separately at the time of the calculations. - the final result will be the total of points of lowest of the 2 dynasties of each player (thank you E&T...). In the event of equality, it will be the strongest dynasty which will decide between the two players. If there is again equality, one follows the procedures described in the rule. -50 golds for each of the two players. Each player must manage the 2 dynasties with this gold. If the points are calculated separately for each dynasty, the incomes, them, thus are collected overall by the owner. It is the same for the charts capacity as a player can use for one or for the other dynasty but attention, one complies with the rule which says that only one type of chart capacity can be used by player and turn (see lower exception)... The number of charts capacity which a player can buy in phase 3 remains limited by the area highest having the index in chart of being able whatever the dynasty of the player to whom it belongs (the purchasable maximum thus remains of 4 charts to be able/turn for the player which has in its Abydos possession). - the points of victory granted final that which has the most gold will have to be completely added to 1 and only one of the two dynasties of the player. To in no case one cannot distribute these points between the 2 dynasties. The richest player will gain 3 points of victory, second 1 point. - In phase 2, the Pharaon decides which of its 2 dynasties it makes bet in first. Then the second player makes in the same way then the Pharaon plays his second dynasty, the second player makes in the same way and one continues then the normal procedure while alternating between the Pharaon and the second player, the Pharaon being held to play first whatever the dynasty which it has to move. - the phase of purchase is done for the two dynasties and the player distributes stones and peasants with his liking between the two dynasties what implies that peasants and pyramids coutent expensive (it should be bought in greater number)... N the other hand, it is authorized with this phase to play a maximum of 2 charts architect OR 2 charts free peasant (not both). On the other hand, one can play 1 always perfectly chart architect and 1 chart free peasant... - the player who gains the offering with Amun-Re in phase 4 gains 4 elements (and either 3) that it can distribute with his liking between his two dynasties. The second remainder with 2 elements. - Each player has at his disposal from the very start of the part 2 "charts -3". -3 "normal, the other is a" chart acted as adjustment of the offering. If 2 "charts -3" are played sets at the time of the offering, the player thus steals 3 golds to the treasure and can adjust the offering of +3 or of -3. If a "chart -3" is played with gold at the time of the offering, it could be played only like adjustment of the offering. And, last case, it is impossible to play 2 "charts -3" with gold bus in this case, one of the 2 obligatorily functions like "chart -3" normal and the latter cannot be played with gold in hand. When one of 2 "charts -3" is played like adjustment, it is lost until the new time (turn 4) where it will then be recovered and usable 1 time before the end of the part (turn 6). One cannot save his "chart -3" adjustment of the offering and recover a third with the 4th turn of it... The "chart -3" normal is recovered normally after each use. One can add to his hand the chart capacity adjustment of the offering. Indeed, second "chart -3" functions as adjustment of the offering but is not an adjustment of the offering to be strictly accurate. This implies that 1 player will be able 2 times in the part to lower the offering up to -9 (but it only 3ors will fly and will not gain any element as specified in the rules) and/or to assemble the offering to +6 before to have even misé of gold...

Re: Amun-Re na 2 graczy

: 05 cze 2007, 10:06
autor: hobb3
Trochę długie... w razie potrzeby mogę pomóc z tłumaczeniem.

: 05 cze 2007, 10:12
autor: ja_n
Tu jest jakaś propozycja wariantu:

Re: Amun-Re na 2 graczy

: 11 lip 2022, 20:04
autor: Moonz
Temat z 2k7, ale co tam: ... ry-edition

Jest ktoś zainteresowany jakąś grupówką?

Re: Amun-Re na 2 graczy

: 11 lip 2022, 20:59
autor: Michito
To nie ten temat, ale przy dobrych warunkach ja bym w to wszedł - retailer pledge wychodzi ok, cena z grupówki mnie nie przekonuje, może przy większej liczbie chętnych można by coś negocjować.